Wednesday 26 January 2011

Demonstration of Camera Angles

 These are the photographs that I took to use in my preliminary task.

1. Extreme close-up of various items of stationary. This image can be associated with a school environment so I chose to use it as the background to my contents page.

2. This is also an extreme close-up of the same composition of objects but from a different angle. I preferred the angle in the previous photograph as the contents of the photograph were more obvious.

3. This photograph is very similar to number 1, however I prefer the lighting in the first photograph.
4. This is a low-angle mid-shot shot. I felt that the expression a framing did not fit want I wanted for the first shot, which is supposed to be a close-up.
5. This is a close-up high-angle shot. I did not use this shot either as I wanted more of a neutral facial expression, I also did not like the connotations of a high-angle shot.
 6. This is the close-up face-on shot that I used for the front cover as I was satisfied with the students facial expression and the framing of the image.
 7. High angle long shot. I liked this idea but half of  her head is out of the frame, it was too difficult to get a good quality high-angle long shot so I did not continue to attempt this photograph. The lack of props also made the 'character' seem too similar to the one in the close-up shot.
 8. I liked this high-angle photograph a lot, I am especially happy with the use of props to establish an 'identity'. However, like before the top of her head was out of frame so I couldn't use it.
 9. This is the photograph I used as my high angle shot as I felt that it created a distinct identity and is an effective photograph.
 10. This is a long-shot that strongly establishes an 'identity' stereotype. However due to a potential opposed reading I decided not to use this photograph as I took the target audience of the student magazine into consideration.
 11. I preferred the pose of the long-shot as it would be easier to work with. The angle of this photograph is slightly lower than the previous one, this required me to kneel whilst taking the photograph in order to get an angle the mimicked eye level.
12. A homage to the iconic apple iPod advertisement, this mid-shot portrays a music added. Allow I initially planned to use this photograph, limitations of space when I compiled the front cover meant that I could not. 
13. I decided that an extra property was necessary to make this character slightly more 'chic'. I added a red scarf and then took the photograph again, keeping it as  similar to number 11 as possible.

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