Saturday 22 January 2011

Understanding Media Concepts

In lesson we looked at key media concepts that we should consider and, if possible, refer to when researching, producing and evaluating  our work.

Semiology (Semiotics)
Semiology is the study of signs and symbols. Roland Barthes, a pioneering philosopher in the study of semiotics recognised that the study of signs is both culture, and context sensitive.
I semiology an image is a sign, the physical form is the signifier (what we see or hear) and the meaning is what is signified.

Connotation and Denotation

Denotation refers to the literal meaning of a wordConnotation  refers to the associations that are connected to a certain word or the emotional suggestions related to that word Example 
                                                           Denotation: red heart  Connotation: love, passion, romance


Codes are a system within which a meaning is understood.


Conventions are the rules that must be followed, or the common feature of a media text belonging to a particular genre. For example a convention of a magazine is that it must have an eye catching title displayed on the front cover, another convention is that it must have a bar code.


A reading is a person's interpretation of a text, their reading of the text will depend on their own cultural and personal experiences. Their reading will either be preferred, negotiated or oppositional.

Preferred reading: This is where the audience recognises the view presented in the text through it's use of codes and agrees with what is being presented. 
Negotiated reading: This is where the audience recognises the view presented in the text through it's use of codes and agrees with what is being presented to a certain extend but also has views that are different from what is presented in the text. Or, the audience recognises the view presented but are not the target audience so do not engage with the content.
Oppositional reading: 
This is where the audience recognises the view presented in the text through it's use of codes and disagrees with what is being presented. Or, this is where the audience does not recognise what is being presented.

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