Friday 28 January 2011

Music Magazine Research

In class we conducted research into music magazines. The magazines I looked at were: NME, Kerrang, Q and Record Collector.

Front cover conventions:
Large title, usually behind main image of artist. Name of artist in large writing. Quotes.  Features/ articles are mentioned. Caption under title. Bar code. Price. Issue date and number. 'Plus', other contents listen at bottom or top of page.

Contents page conventions:
Images from inside magazine, mostly of artists. Quotes. Large page numbers. Subscription memo (bottom right of NME). 'Plus': usual features (NME). I feel that the style of the NME contents page is the most interesting as it strays furthest from the standard layout of a contents page. The page features a large image or message in the middle, with smaller images around it accompanied by quotes and large page numbers. As NME is a weekly magazine they also have a small section which lists the usual features and a subscription memo in the bottom right corner. However, it is interesting to note that this is a relatively new choice of layout as contents used to be listed in order of artist, with a random arrangement of photographs.

Double page spread possibilities:
Concert reviews. Segmented snippets of text. Lots of small images. One large image (occupying half/ two thirds of the double page. Interview. Music chart. Introducing new artists (NME radar). Advertisements. Album reviews. Countdowns.

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