Thursday 20 January 2011

First Lesson: Adobe Photoshop Experimentation

Our first task was to become familiar with the software that we will be using to create our coursework. This consisted of finding some images through an image search on Google and quite literally playing with different options. Alongside this I read some online tutorials on how to use the basic features of photoshop.

Through this experiment I learnt how to use layers as well as make image adjustments, for example; hue and saturation, contrast and transforming an image. I used the image of the suited men to trial an idea of a black and white image with different coloured ties for my preliminary task; a student magazine. As I am happy with the result I will now develop this idea further. The image of the left allowed me to experiment with layers, this has given me inspiration for possible front cover ideas for both of my tasks. All of the images used were sourced from Google images and therefore not my own.

A screen capture of my experimentation:

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